House of Assembly: Thursday, May 02, 2019


Questions on Notice

The SPEAKER (14:06): Further to the matter raised yesterday by the member for Kaurna concerning an alleged breach of sessional orders, that is, the late receipt of answers to questions on notice, I can advise the house that included in the schedule of answers I have just tabled were answers to questions Nos 691, 706 and 710, which were submitted yesterday but not included in yesterday's list of tabled answers.

Further, answers to questions Nos 694, 695 and 696 were also included in today's schedule of answers. I understand that the minister will also be tabling the answer to question No. 709 today. I have also been advised that answers to questions Nos 692 and 708 are still outstanding but should be tabled on the next day of sitting.

As I stated to the house on 4 July 2018, when the matter of late answers to questions on notice was first raised, I did not have the benefit of standing orders or established practices to guide me in assisting the house at the moment. While I am of the view that the practices and procedures in place in other jurisdictions provide a measured and sensible approach, ultimately resolution of this matter is up to the house to determine.

I can advise the house that the Standing Orders Committee is currently considering the matter of late answers to questions on notice and, until the house adopts a formal position to deal with the provision of late answers to questions on notice, I invite members to draw my attention to those ministers and the relevant questions that are yet to be answered within the 30-day time period and I will then speak to the minister concerned.

Dr CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:07): I rise in relation to a breach of sessional order 3. I have questions on notice to the Minister for Education, those being questions Nos 689 and 690, both of which were asked on 20 March. Sessional order 3, as we have just canvassed, requires an answer within 30 days. That has not been provided, so I again ask you to investigate and rule if there has been a breach of sessional orders.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Wright and the member for Hammond can leave for half an hour under 137A. The member for Wright and the member for Hammond, half an hour.

The honourable members for Wright and Hammond having withdrawn from the chamber: