House of Assembly: Thursday, April 04, 2019



End-of-Life Choices

The Legislative Council passed the following resolution to which it desires the concurrence of the House of Assembly:

1. That, in the opinion of this council, a joint committee be appointed to inquire into and report on:

(a) the practices currently being utilised within the medical community to assist a person to exercise their preferences for the way they manage their end of life when experiencing chronic and/or terminal illnesses, including the role of palliative care;

(b) the current legal framework, relevant reports and materials in other Australian states and territories and overseas jurisdictions, including the Victorian and Western Australian parliamentary inquiries into end-of-life choices, Victoria's Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 and implementation of the associated reforms;

(c) what legislative changes may be required, including consideration of:

i. the appropriateness of the Parliament of South Australia enacting a bill in similar terms to Victoria's Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017; and

ii. an examination of any federal laws that may impact such legislation;

(d) any other related matter.

2. That, in the event of a joint committee being appointed, the Legislative Council be represented thereon by three members, of whom two shall form a quorum of council members necessary to be present at all sittings of the committee.

3. That this council permits the joint committee to authorise the disclosure or publication, as it thinks fit, of any evidence or documents presented to the committee prior to such evidence being reported to the council.

The Legislative Council has also resolved to suspend standing order 396 to enable strangers to be admitted when the joint committee is examining witnesses unless the joint committee otherwise resolves, but they shall be excluded when the joint committee is deliberating.

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Minister for Education) (15:38): I move:

That this house—

(a) agrees with part 1 of the resolution of the Legislative Council contained in message No. 78 for the appointment of a joint committee on the end of life;

(b) concurs with the proposal for the committee to be authorised to disclose or publish, as it thinks fit, any evidence or documents being reported to the parliament; and

(c) concurs with the proposal to enable strangers to be admitted when the committee is examining witnesses unless the committee otherwise resolves, but that they be excluded when the committee is deliberating.

Motion carried.

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER: I move:

That this house be represented on the committee by three members of whom two shall form a quorum of assembly members necessary to be present at all sittings of the committee and that the members to represent the House of Assembly on the committee be Mr Basham, Mr Duluk and the Hon. Mr Piccolo.

Motion carried.