House of Assembly: Thursday, November 29, 2018


Overland Train Service

Mr HUGHES (Giles) (15:01): My question is to the Minister for Regional Development. Does the minister support the cut to funding to The Overland, which services Australian regional communities?

The SPEAKER: The Minister for Transport or the Minister for Primary Industries? The Minister for Primary Industries has the call.

The Hon. T.J. WHETSTONE (Chaffey—Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development) (15:01): I thank the member for Giles for his question. As I understand it, the operation of the train service has been in decline for a number of years. It has been seen fit that, as a government—

The Hon. R. Sanderson: Since aeroplane flights are so cheap.

The SPEAKER: Minister for Child Protection!

The Hon. T.J. WHETSTONE: —we are not going to support and subsidise that train service any longer. I would say to the member for Giles that I know that, in my electorate, under your watch we saw two train lines closed—two.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Member for Hammond! The member for Cheltenham is called to order.

The Hon. T.J. WHETSTONE: There seems to be a divide between what can be achieved and what can't be achieved.

The Hon. J.W. Weatherill: You can say thank you anytime you like for the $240 million as well.

The SPEAKER: The member for Cheltenham is warned.

The Hon. T.J. WHETSTONE: The continual subsidy of the train line was seen by—

Mr Hughes: You can find money for a hotel in the city.

The SPEAKER: The member for Giles can leave for half an hour under 137A.

The honourable member for Giles having withdrawn from the chamber:

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! The Minister for Energy and Mining is called to order.

The Hon. T.J. WHETSTONE: What I would say is that, through consultation with the minister, the decision was made not to continue to subsidise the rail network. That was the decision that has been made.

The Hon. L.W.K. Bignell interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Mawson can leave for half an hour as well. He was on two warnings.

The honourable member for Mawson having withdrawn from the chamber:

The SPEAKER: I'm trying to move on to the opposition. The member for West Torrens and then the member for Mount Gambier. I'm not going to have a lecture after question time about the opposition not getting enough questions when their members continue to interject. I might get one from the Independents.