House of Assembly: Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Grant Programs

In reply to Dr CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (25 September 2018). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. D.J. SPEIRS (Black—Minister for Environment and Water): I have been advised:

The following table provides the allocation of grant program/funds by Green Industries SA for 2017-18 and across the forward estimates:

Grant program/fund name Purpose of grant program/fund 2017-18 Estimated result $000 2018-19 Budget $000 2019-20 Estimate $000 2020-21 Estimate $000 2021-22 Estimate $000
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Funding towards the construction of new and upgraded materials recovery and processing facilities, including to assist the resource recovery sector respond to challenges and opportunities presented by international market conditions 1,774 6,621 2,929 3,010 3,085
Local Government Program Funding towards Local Government construction of new and upgraded materials recovery and processing facilities; and the implementation and maintenance of food waste recycling systems via kerbside organics bins 1,193 855 3,500 3,608 3,145
Waste education Educating South Australian's on recycling behaviours. 200 800 800 800 800
Trade Waste Resource Productivity Assessment Funding to identify opportunities to reduce trade waste impacts through efficiency gains and better use of waste, energy, materials and water. 250 622 - - -
Trade Waste Implementation Funding towards reducing trade waste load and volume for South Australian food and beverage businesses. 750 1,740 1,433 - -
Regional Implementation (program ceased in 2013-14) Funding and assistance for: infrastructure investment for local government and industry; the development and update of regional waste management plans and strategies; and identifying and implementing innovative local solutions. 55(final project payment) - - - -
Business Sustainability Funding for individual businesses to engage third party technical advisers for resource efficiency and productivity assessments which identify and prioritise opportunities for improvements. 237 270 339 335 343
Shared Fabrication Spaces Funding for shared fabrication spaces that address the upper levels of the waste hierarchy – waste avoidance and minimisation, remanufacturing 329 - - - -

The following table details the commitment of grants by Green Industries SA in 2017-18:

Grant program/fund name Beneficiary/Recipient Value$ Subject to grant agreement under TI I5
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority 150,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority 83,500 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Mid Murray Council 47,600 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program District Council of Elliston 70,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program District Council of Streaky Bay 16,600 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program District Council Lower Eyre Peninsula 32,250 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program SKM Industries Pty Ltd 300,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program SKM Industries Pty Ltd 300,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Jeffries Group 272,500 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Peats Group Ltd 150,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Peats Group Ltd 300,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Polybags Pty Ltd 145,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program SA Group Enterprises 150,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Reclaim PV 79,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program VISY Recycling 225,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Agricycling 150,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Trident Plastics 150,000 Y
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program Adelaide Hills Recycling 150,000 Y
Local Government Kerbside Performance Incentives Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority 15,609.55 Y
Local Government Kerbside Performance Incentives Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority 17,749.32 Y
Local Government Kerbside Performance Incentives Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority 10,283.98 Y
Local Government Kerbside Performance Incentives City of Mt Gambier 19,503.64 Y
Local Government Kerbside Performance Incentives City of Tea Tree Gully 8,000 Y
Local Government Kerbside Performance Incentives City of Mitcham 136,477.27 Y
Local Government Kerbside Performance Incentives City of Norwood, Payneham and St Peters 38,123.64 Y
Local Government Kerbside Performance Incentives City of West Torrens 3,663.64 Y
Business Sustainability Program Orora Fibre Packaging 20,000 Y
Business Sustainability Program Monroe 10,000 Y
Business Sustainability Program Kingston Estate 8,000 Y
Business Sustainability Program Section 28 15,000 Y
Business Sustainability Program Van Schaiks BioGro 6,600 Y
Business Sustainability Program Aged and Community Services Australia 47,997 Y
Business Sustainability Program City of Adelaide 25,000 Y
Business Sustainability Program Scentre Group Westfield (Marion) 12,775 Y
Business Sustainability Program Adelaide Airport Limited 7,381.50 Y
Business Sustainability Program Little Bang Brewing Company 16,000 Y
Business Sustainability Program Vinpac International 15,000 Y
Trade Waste Initiative Tuna Farmers Pty Ltd 8,600 Y
Trade Waste Initiative Revenir Winemaking 10,000 Y
Trade Waste Initiative Fleurieu Vintners 7,975 Y
Trade Waste Initiative Thomas Foods International Lobethal 7,500 Y
Trade Waste Initiative Pirate Life Brewing 10,000 Y
Trade Waste Initiative Dorrien Estate Winery 9,990 Y
Trade Waste Initiative Vinpac International 9,990 Y
Trade Waste Initiative Barossa Fine Foods 141,352 Y
Trade Waste Initiative W & RC Milisits (Vilis Cakes) 136,360 Y
Trade Waste Initiative Robern Menz 103,333 Y
Trade Waste Initiative Australian Bight Seafood 16,292 Y
Waste Education Recycle Right® Grants Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority 20,000 Y
Waste Education Recycle Right® Grants Barossa Regional Procurement Group 20,000 Y
Waste Education Recycle Right® Grants City of Whyalla / Cleanaway 9,125 Y
Waste Education Recycle Right® Grants City of Campbelltown 5,140 Y
Waste Education Recycle Right® Grants Limestone Coast Local Government Association 8,250 Y
Waste Education Recycle Right® Grants Adelaide Hills Waste Management Authority 15,850 Y
Waste Education Recycle Right® Grants City of Charles Sturt 17,500 Y
Waste Education Recycle Right® Grants City of Tea Tree Gully 20,000 Y
Waste Education Recycle Right® Grants District Council of Yankalilla 8,731.25 Y
Waste Education Recycle Right® Grants Rural City of Murray Bridge 3,750 Y
Shared Fabrication Space Grants SA Makers Inc 300,000 Y
Shared Fabrication Space Grants Mount Pleasant Men's Shed 29,000 Y