House of Assembly: Tuesday, September 04, 2018



The following papers were laid on the table:

By the Speaker—

Auditor-General—Report 4 of 2018 on the Adelaide Oval redevelopment pursuant to section 9 of the Adelaide Oval Redevelopment and Management Act 2011 for the

designated period 1 January 2018 to 30 June 2018

1st Report of the Natural Resources Committee entitled Kangaroo Island Field Trip—24 and 25 June 2018 which has been received and published pursuant to

section 17(7) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991

By the Attorney-General (Hon. V.A. Chapman)—

Gambling Regulation in South Australia, Administrative Review of—Report 9 December 2016

By the Minister for Education (Hon. J.A.W. Gardner)—

TAFE SA, Quality Review of—Report 4 April 2018

TAFE SA, Strategic Capability Review 2018—Report