House of Assembly: Tuesday, September 04, 2018


Apprenticeships and Traineeships

323 Ms BETTISON (Ramsay) (1 August 2018). How many new apprenticeships and traineeships have so far been created since coming to office?

The Hon. D.G. PISONI (Unley—Minister for Industry and Skills):

1. Industry and training stakeholders have been engaged with the state government's Skilling South Australia Strategy, due to be officially launched in the coming weeks. The Department for Industry and Skills continues to provide advice and support to industry and small business, including assistance around accessing funding support through our $203 million investment to take on apprentices and trainees.

To achieve our target, we have already implemented key reforms to boost training in South Australia, including securing $103 million from the federal government, releasing a renewed subsidised training list and revitalising the Training and Skills Commission. We are also in the consultation stages of re-establishing Industry Skills Councils, implementing flexible apprenticeship pathways and streamlining the registration process.