House of Assembly: Thursday, July 05, 2018


Brown, Senior Sergeant Peter

Mr BELL (Mount Gambier) (15:41): I rise today to acknowledge the outstanding career Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown APM, who will close the chapter on a 41½-year career with the South Australian police force tomorrow, Friday 6 July 2018. Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown joined SAPOL in 1976 when he undertook training in Adelaide at the residential Fort Largs Police Academy. During his career, he has served as a general duties patrol sergeant at Victor Harbor, Murray Bridge, Naracoorte and also had postings at Mount Gambier and Peterborough.

Since 2011, Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown has been in charge of the Millicent Police Station, which is situated 50 kilometres north of Mount Gambier. The Millicent Police Station also covers five outstations at Beachport, Robe, Kingston and Kalangadoo, covering a significant area in the regional Limestone Coast. One of Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown's achievements during his time at SAPOL was the instigation of the first Rural Watch in South Australia at Peterborough, an important group active in rural South Australia that can act as the eyes and ears of the police in isolated areas, reporting on issues ranging from stock theft or suspicious activities on rural properties.

Fatal motor vehicle accidents are a difficult aspect of working in SAPOL, and in regional areas this is often intensified for attendees to motor vehicle crash scenes, as sometimes the victim is from the close-knit regional community. Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown was often instrumental in arranging counselling, not only for families affected by road tragedy but also for emergency personnel who attended the scene.

He has a wealth of knowledge on law and procedures, making him a highly valued source of information and professional guidance for other members within the force. In particular, he has been an outstanding advocate for the mental health of his fellow officers and has shown true leadership in recognising and seeking help for others who are experiencing mental health issues. Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown would go as far as to even drive fellow officers to their mental health appointments to ensure they received the help they needed.

Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown was recognised for his outstanding service and was awarded the Australian Police Medal in the Queen's Birthday Honours in 2017. The award also acknowledged the support he has provided to various road safety committees and support groups over a 20-year period. More recently, Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown has participated in methamphetamine forums that have been held across the Limestone Coast.

True to the gentleman that he is, Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown described the Queen's Birthday Honours as a humbling experience. On 2 August 2017, Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown was awarded the South Australian Police Service Medal in recognition of continuous, completed, diligent and ethical service to the South Australia Police over 40 years. Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown has been such a positive role model that his daughter and son-in-law have also followed him into the police force.

In his retirement, Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown is looking forward to having more time to devote to his passion of horse racing—a passion which I share—and hopefully win a few races. He is also a passionate Port Adelaide Football Club supporter, and his retirement will allow him more opportunities to attend more Port Adelaide games and hopefully watch Port Adelaide in the finals this year. Next Saturday, family and friends, the Minister for Police and our federal member will join Senior Sergeant First Class Peter Brown to celebrate his outstanding 41½ years' service and congratulate him on his outstanding career.

Finally, I take this opportunity to acknowledge the support that his wife, Gill, and family have provided him during his career. On a personal note, I wish Peter all the best in retirement. He has been a wonderful advocate for our region, a personal friend of mine and somebody you can rely on. Our community has had very good service from Peter, so all the best in your retirement, Peter.