Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Answers to Questions
Police Station Opening Hours
Mr MALINAUSKAS (Croydon—Leader of the Opposition) (14:40): A supplementary question: has the minister sought any advice from SAPOL regarding the policy to extend police station opening hours?
The Hon. C.L. WINGARD (Gibson—Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing) (14:41): I can't speak any more slowly. I have to be abundantly clear: I have talked through the district police modelling program with SAPOL, I have met with them and we have gone through it. In fact, I will be offering a briefing to members on the other side about how the district policing model is going to work.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order, members on my left!
The Hon. C.L. WINGARD: I have had those chats with the police commissioner and the deputy police commissioner and, as I said, will, in fact, be giving a briefing to all those on the other side if they wish it. What I can't be any clearer on is that the district policing model—
Mr Bignell: The weakest link.
The SPEAKER: The member for Mawson is warned.
The Hon. C.L. WINGARD: Sorry; I know I can't mention Muppets but I look at the member for Mawson and I think, 'I can't mention Muppets,' and I won't. What I can say—
Mr BIGNELL: Point of order: Mr Speaker, you have lost control of this question time.
The SPEAKER: I have not lost control of anything.
Mr BIGNELL: You have lost control of this question time to allow this sort of behaviour—
The SPEAKER: The member for Mawson will depart the chamber for half an hour.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: The member for Waite will be seated.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: No, he didn't call you a Muppet.
Members interjecting: