House of Assembly: Thursday, May 03, 2018


South Australian Tourism Commission

Mr MALINAUSKAS (Croydon—Leader of the Opposition) (16:50): My question is to the Premier. When was the Premier first made aware that a Victorian company had been awarded the advertising contract for the South Australian Tourism Commission?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier) (16:51): I thank the leader for his question. Can I preface my answer by saying I am very disappointed that this contract wasn't awarded to a South Australian firm. But I make the point that this was a contract which was entered into following a tender process initiated by the former government, and in fact the former government kicked off this tender back in November last year.

As you would be aware, sir, these tenders are very expensive to participate in. Many of the firms which participated and lodged applications spent tens of thousands of dollars, much time and effort and money with their tenders. We are not going to overturn this decision. It wasn't an issue which the Premier's office had to approve. This was a decision of the independent authority, the South Australian Tourism Commission. But, as I said, we were very disappointed that this was the decision that was made.

We have taken action. I have met with the chairperson and also the chief executive of the SATC. I have expressed my disappointment, but I do understand now more intimately how this decision was made. I don't think it is the right message to be sending to the private sector—that private sector companies can participate in a tender, put their time and effort in and then have a decision overturned when they have entered into responding to the scope.

Of course, as I mentioned before, that scope was set by those members opposite. They had responsibility, and maybe the leader, rather than coming into the chamber, beating his chest, trying to get excited about this issue, should actually just go and chat with his mate the member for Mawson about whether he had received a briefing when the SATC set up the scope under the former government. I will tell you what we have done. We have met with the—

Mr Malinauskas: When did you first become aware?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL: They say, 'When did we become aware?'. This was not an issue for the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. The Department of the Premier and Cabinet does not approve these contracts.

Mr Duluk interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Waite will not interject.

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL: The process was underway. We understood the process was underway and, as I said, we expressed our disappointment, but, unlike those opposite, we have taken corrective action. I have met with the chairperson. I have met with the chief executive. I have expressed that disappointment. I have asked them to include in the final contract with TBWA that there be as much work as possible done in South Australia with production and post-production companies.

Moreover, we have made a decision to appoint a new director of the SATC, somebody who will be able to understand the creative talent that we have here in South Australia and make sure that the board in future recognises the great talent that we have not only in the creative sector but right across our industry in South Australia. We want to back South Australian firms, but I think it is unfair that the opposition want to come in and basically hold us to account for a decision that they actually had put in place.

I thought it was interesting because there were other members opposite who were saying, 'There's another contract that's been awarded by this new government for public relation services out of SATC.' I went and checked and it's been with an interstate firm for a decade. They have no leg to stand on. They are hypocrites; they should hang their heads in shame.