House of Assembly: Thursday, November 30, 2017


Statutes Amendment (Youths Sentenced as Adults) Bill

Final Stages

The Legislative Council agreed to the bill with the amendments indicated by the following schedule, to which amendments the Legislative Council desires the concurrence of the House of Assembly:

No. 1. Amendment No 1 [Employment–1]-Clause 4, page 3, after line 2—Insert:

(1) Section 3(2a)(a) and (b)—delete paragraphs (a) and (b) and substitute:

regard should be had to the deterrent effect any proposed sanction may have on the youth

No. 2. Clause 4, page 3, line 7 [clause 4, inserted section 3(4)]—After 'reason' insert:

, including, for example, the gravity of the illegal conduct

Consideration in committee.

The Hon. J.R. RAU: I move:

That the Legislative Council's amendments be agreed to.

I indicate that I am pleased that the opposition adopted the position.

Motion carried.