House of Assembly: Wednesday, November 01, 2017


Besnard, Raeleen and Graeme

Ms VLAHOS (Taylor) (15:40): I would like to speak about an event that I attended in my electorate the other weekend. It was a golden wedding celebration at the Virginia Institute, and it was for Raeleen and Graeme Besnard. Raeleen and Graeme are Virginia stalwarts. The town really could not survive without their community spirit. I first met Raeleen when I became the youngest member of the CWA in Virginia. Since that time, I have been involved with the CWA, and they have allowed me to graduate from making tea at the Wayville Showground with them through to various other activities as I have worked at my apprenticeship in their country cafe.

Raeleen and her family, particularly Graeme, have done so much for the community of Virginia, and they epitomise a generation of selfless community service, where service was given and nothing asked in return. I am not sure whether in Australian society we will see a generation that are so selfless in their community commitment as the Besnards have been.

It was a pleasure to be there that day and to be in the presence of many, many of their family and many, many of the community of Virginia and Mayor Docherty, who joined me as well. Their children Andrea and Greg were there, and they spoke about their parents' love. The night before, their wedding party came back together after 50 years and revisited the church in Virginia where they were married. They spent most of their lives living in that community and assisting it. Graeme is also a very selfless, hardworking community member, and he and I share a common interest, we were pleased to discover on the day, of being avid pistol and revolver enthusiasts. He is an excellent gunsmith.

The two of them together typify what Virginia represents to me, and it is why I am very pleased now to have my office based in the Virginia horticultural centre in the final months of my time as the member of the Taylor. To Graeme and Raeleen, very, very best wishes on celebrating this momentous time in your life. A golden wedding celebration is something that many people today will never see in their lifetime. Congratulations to them, and the people of Virginia and I are so pleased that you are part of our community, and you are much loved.