House of Assembly: Wednesday, August 09, 2017


Patient Assistance Transport Scheme

Mr TRELOAR (Flinders) (14:19): My question is to the Minister for Regional Development. Will the government make extra funds available to the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme, given the Treasurer stated on radio, 'Our largest regional hospital is the new Royal Adelaide Hospital'?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Health Industries) (14:20): We had a review in the early days, when I first became Minister for Health, of the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme. That review proposed additional funding for PATS, and that funding was forthcoming. That was approved by government. From recollection, I think it was an increase of about 30 per cent of the funding for that scheme.

We made changes to meet the needs of people who live in regional South Australia. There were shortcomings identified. It was Dr David Filby who conducted the review. He went around the state doing public sessions and receiving information about the shortcomings of PATS. The government have implemented his recommendations, including his recommendation for increased funding. We did that about four years ago.