House of Assembly: Wednesday, August 02, 2017


General Motors Holden

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (14:40): Again, for the Minister for Energy: what is the cost and duration of the arrangement that the government will have with General Motors Holden to operate diesel generators at the company's Elizabeth property?

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Treasurer, Minister for Finance, Minister for State Development, Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy) (14:40): I do not have the lease arrangements on the contractual arrangements here with me. I will have to check with General Motors Holden about whether they want that made public. Ultimately, General Motors Holden are in a process now for the sale of that plant. They may wish to make this public; they may wish to not make it public, depending on the level of contractual negotiations that they have in place right now. So I will check with them and get back to the house.