House of Assembly: Tuesday, July 04, 2017


School Pride Funding

Ms BEDFORD (Florey) (15:08): My question is to the Minister for Education. Can the minister advise which schools missed out on school pride money in (1) all of the current seat of Florey, and (2) the parts of the current seat of Playford that will soon be in Florey, and can she advise what criteria are applied when awarding the much-needed funds for school upgrades?

The Hon. S.E. CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for Higher Education and Skills) (15:08): I can certainly provide on notice the answer to the questions about the schools within those boundaries, and I can broadly indicate that the criteria that were used were, first of all, the size of the school, the enrolment, and, secondly, whether the school had received substantial money or was in the process of receiving substantial money through the STEM projects that have another three years to run.

If they had received substantial funding or were identified as being a STEM facility school, then they would not receive this school pride funding. So, it was directed at the schools that had missed out on that but still had a reasonable enrolment. I can't remember off the top of my head the number of enrolments that constituted the minimum, so I will provide all that in an answer to the member and to the chamber.