House of Assembly: Thursday, June 22, 2017


Post-Natal Depression Services

Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:40): Supplementary to the Minister for Mental Health: has the minister been offered this material from the experts to even read and make a contribution to this decision?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Health Industries) (14:40): The way we plan these things is we rely on expert advice.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: Ministers don't sit down overriding clinical decisions and clinical advice and deciding what provides the best health outcomes for patients: we rely on the advice of our clinical experts. On this particular issue, the advice is emphatic that having the Helen Mayo clinic incorporated within the women's hospital will provide better outcomes for patients. I am yet to hear anyone suggest otherwise. If the opposition are aware of anyone suggesting otherwise or have some evidence that this will be anything other than of positive benefit for women suffering post-natal depression, I would very much like to see it.

Ms Chapman interjecting:

The SPEAKER: I call to order the deputy leader and the members for Davenport and Morialta, and I warn the deputy leader.