House of Assembly: Wednesday, May 17, 2017


School Absenteeism

Ms BEDFORD (Florey) (14:33): A further supplementary: that being the case, without drawing attention to the one conviction that we do have, I am still very concerned about how the department is going to assist that family, as they work through the processes now in this one particular case that we have, and how that family is going to actually be assisted forward.

The SPEAKER: I thank the member for Florey for coming to the point of the question. The minister.

The Hon. S.E. CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for Higher Education and Skills) (14:34): In fact, there were two successful prosecutions. The magistrates took differing views about whether they would record a conviction for the parents, but both were found to be guilty and were fined, in one case a relatively small amount in recognition of the circumstances of that family and in the other case a much more substantial fine. I believe costs also were awarded, although a conviction wasn't recorded.

Importantly, those children involved across those two cases are central in the education department's response. It is about the kids and it is about supporting them. I won't go into details about each of them because I don't believe it is helpful to children to be able to read about their family circumstances in the public domain, but I would like to assure the member for Florey and other members of this house that the education department takes the welfare of those children extremely seriously.

The SPEAKER: The member for Florey's questions were from the opposition list, in case members are worrying.