House of Assembly: Thursday, October 20, 2016


Aquaculture Industry

The Hon. S.W. KEY (Ashford) (15:01): Thank you, sir. My question is directed to the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. Minister, can you update the house on the South Australian aquaculture industry?

The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL (Mawson—Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Minister for Forests, Minister for Tourism, Minister for Recreation and Sport, Minister for Racing) (15:01): I thank the member for Ashford for the question. The latest economic impact report reveals that the South Australian aquaculture industry contributed $227.8 million to the state economy in 2014-15. The annual EconSearch Economic Impact of Aquaculture on the South Australian State and Regional Communities report reveals that the overall value of aquaculture production increased by $46.23 million in 2014-15 compared with the previous year. Also, 96 per cent of this value of production centred on Eyre Peninsula and the West Coast, and I want to thank the member Flinders—

Mr KNOLL: Point of order, sir: the EconSearch report that the minister relates to is up on the EconSearch website.

The SPEAKER: Could the member for Schubert bring me the text, as I haven't spent today looking at a computer or a phone. Minister.

The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL: I want to thank, as I said, the member for Flinders for all the great work that he does and the people at SARDI and PIRSA who ensure that our fisheries and our aquaculture sectors are thriving. The biosecurity is very important, and of course opening up new markets around the world is very important as well. With the direct flights into Guangzhou starting from 13 December this year, it is going to be important for us to make sure that we get as much of our fresh seafood onto those planes and into the China market. It is really going to change the way in which we trade with China, and it is something I know that the seafood industry, particularly on Eyre Peninsula, are very excited about.