House of Assembly: Thursday, September 29, 2016


Mentally Fit EP

Mr TRELOAR (Flinders) (16:11): I want to pay tribute to a group of people on Eyre Peninsula who are doing some fantastic work. The West Coast Youth and Community Support group is the umbrella group for Mentally Fit EP. Last Saturday night on 24 September in my hometown of Cummins they held a gala ball as a fundraiser. It is a long time since there has been a gala ball in the Cummins Institute, which was built in 1936.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: It has a capacity of 60 people?

Mr TRELOAR: No, 110 and we were sold out. It was an excellent event and I pay tribute to the organising committee for their efforts. I will not mention names because there are too many to go through and I will miss somebody. We had some excellent sponsorship, particularly from local Rotary groups, as well as the Bendigo Bank.

I have to highlight that during the night there was a guest speaking spot, which was filled by a young AFL/VFL footballer by the name of Jake Edwards who talked us through his story. At age 19, having recently been signed by Carlton I think it was, he found himself battling severe depression. He talked about those first few weeks and months when he found himself diagnosed and the journey through his depression and mental health challenges over the following months and years.

It was an insightful story. You could have heard a pin drop in the hall, which was packed to the hilt with 110 tickets sold. As I said, it was filled to capacity. What interested me and pleased me in particular was the age demographic of those who came along to not only hear this young man speak but also support Mentally Fit EP. It was a great night out. Funds were raised to support mental health on Eyre Peninsula. I understand that Jake Edwards went on from there to Streaky Bay and some other area schools, where he told his story again.

There is no doubt that mental health is a significant issue in modern society. Our own community has been touched on a couple of occasions by the ultimate outcome from mental health challenges, that is, suicide, and it was certainly front of mind for many of those who were there that night. Congratulations to West Coast Youth and Community Support and Mentally Fit EP on a great evening. It was a fantastic night and keep up the good work.

At 16:14 the house adjourned until Tuesday 18 October 2016 at 11:00.