House of Assembly: Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Parliamentary Procedure


The following papers were laid on the table:

By the Speaker—

Joint Parliamentary Service, The Administration of—Annual Report 2015-16

Rules made under the following Acts—

Adelaide Park Lands—Park Lands Lease Agreement—South Australian Cricket Association

By the Attorney-General (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

Rules made under the following Acts—

District Court—Civil—Amendment No. 34

Supreme Court—

Civil—Amendment No. 33

Civil—Supplementary—Amendment No. 7

By the Minister for Business Services and Consumers (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Second-hand Vehicle Dealers—Miscellaneous

By the Minister for Tourism (Hon. L.W. Bignell)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Major Events—Australia v South Africa Cricket Test Match 2016

By the Minister for Local Government (Hon. G.G. Brock)—

Local Council By-Laws—

Tatiara District Council—

No. 1—Permits and Penalties

No. 2—Moveable Signs

No. 3—Roads

No. 4—Local Government Land

No. 5—Dogs

No. 6—Cats

By the Minister for Education and Child Development (Hon. S.E. Close)—

Teachers Registration Board of South Australia—Annual Report 2015-16

Regulations made under the following Acts—

National Parks and Wildlife—

Breakaways Conservation Park

Co-management Boards—General