House of Assembly: Thursday, August 04, 2016


Jervois Street Reserve

Ms DIGANCE (Elder) (15:27): Today, I rise to speak about an incredible, new and very welcome community reserve that has been created on the northern edge of my electorate, bordering on the boundary of my good friend from Ashford's electorate. It would appear that the Jervois Street Reserve has taken shape very quickly; however, it has been many years in the planning, and now, prior to the official opening, it is a vibrant hub of activity, rivalling any good park nearby and in fact anywhere in Adelaide.

The park I refer to is the Jervois Street Reserve, which began its journey a number of years ago when the City of Marion, along with local residents, identified a significant shortage of open space in the northern part of the City of Marion. Negotiations with Renewal SA and Housing SA followed, and a parcel of land amounting to six allotments with street frontages on both Jervois Street and Waterhouse Road, South Plympton, came to fruition.

The council, with grant money from the state government, was able to purchase the land. The allotment is around 6,000 square metres and is not so far east from Marion Road and is easily accessed from either Jervois Street or Waterhouse Road, in a predominantly residential area. The property is also close to major transport routes, including Edwardstown Railway Station, and existing bikeways along Towers Terrace and Marion Road provide accessible links.

Once the land was purchased, the journey continued with the committed and amazing, diligent and passionate City of Marion council employees, as they conducted a thorough and engaging community consultation, seeking input from all in the local area on what they wanted in their park. Over time, a plan became apparent, with an amazing outdoor area welcoming to all ages coming into view. The City of Marion understands that outdoor space is pivotal to community and a platform for bringing together all ages to enjoy the outdoors and strengthen community.

The fence is now down and, with the official opening planned for late August, I expect the park will be well used in the interim. And why not, as there is something there for everyone. Jervois Street Reserve's open play space has a reassuring fenced junior playground area for smaller children. It has a great double slide that children ages one and over will love, which can be accessed by a Softfall climbing hill. There are abundant natural wood and rock climbing choices as well, and with the numerous variety of swings on hand, including a birds nest swing, a gated baby swing and regular swings, there is something for every age.

There are music drums, and a massive shaded sandpit complete with sand tables and attachments, for fun. There is a fun hill with a tunnel through it that children can pop out at one end through a caterpillar hole in a giant green apple, reminding us of the popular and well loved book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Just outside the fenced area is a netball ring and half-court basketball space which also doubles as a small scooter and skate area. A great feature is also the wooden rope climbing frame and a mini flying fox for those children who are a little older. Then, there is a table tennis table and built-in chess board, both of which require participants to bring their own equipment. These provide another dimension.

Also included in this reserve is a smooth track extending all the way around the reserve for running, walking and biking, with markings to measure your journey. Just behind the basketball court is a little mountain bike path that BMXers will love. This is a real community space and just one visit will tell you that it belongs to the community as you can see, experience and feel their commitment and passion by way of a variety of experiential spaces all colocated in sensitive harmony. I am pleased to have supported this project as well by lobbying for funds and being involved in the turning of the sod as the work began. Well done, City of Marion. Well done, residents and the broader community. Jervois Street Reserve is yours to share and enjoy. It is your jewel in the crown—congratulations.