House of Assembly: Thursday, July 07, 2016


Regions in Focus Roadshows

Mr HUGHES (Giles) (14:40): My question is to the Minister for Regional Development.

Ms Chapman interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The deputy leader is reminded for the third time that she is on two warnings.

Mr HUGHES: My question is to the Minister for Regional Development. Can the minister inform the house about how he is working with regional communities to identify and progress their priorities for regional development?

The Hon. G.G. BROCK (Fromeā€”Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Local Government) (14:41): I thank the Member for Giles for his question. I am pleased to inform the house that I am travelling around the regions over the next two months for a second round of RegionsĀ in Focus roadshows. The first round was in July and August last year, and I have visited all seven non-metropolitan regions.

The purpose of this first round was to identify the opportunities and challenges that are of the greatest importance to each regional community, as well as to identify the shared priorities that they each share. Together with each regional development association, I sat down with regional leaders to explore which regional priorities needed some input from government agencies to accelerate progress. Participants were all local champions from local government, business and industry associations. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many, many community members who contributed their valuable time to the roadshows last year.

Over the last year, Regions SA has been working very hard with the seven regional development associations, the roadshow participants, other stakeholders and across state government agencies to progress the top three issues identified by each region and the top two issues across the state. I am committed to returning to each region to report back on the progress made and to identify any steps forward. I am pleased to report that I started the second series of roadshows last week in the Barossa Valley and also in the Riverland. Again, the reception out there has been fantastic. One industry participant wrote to me after the Barossa roadshow to say, and I quote:

Hi Geoff,

Just a quick note to say thanks for today.

I said to Trevor that it's wonderful to see some follow up done from last year's work. Too often we see governments seeking opinion to satisfy 'consultation' and never follow up and report back.

You should feel proud to be making a difference and I look forward to future follow up forums like this from you. [and the government]

We all know how important our regions are to South Australia, and I want to keep creating opportunities that will allow them to grow and prosper but, as I have said before, this cannot be done in isolation. I have said from the outset that collaboration is the key for all of us to build on the great assets of our regions, to create new opportunities and work through our challenges. No single group or sector can bring about profound change on its own.

We need to be bold and creative. We need to work together. The involvement of local government and businesses is essential in ensuring that regional communities take full advantage of the opportunities available in their regions. Local government, in particular, has a critical role to play in regional economic development opportunities. These Regions in Focus roadshows have been a great chance to focus on how that collaboration can be achieved. The Regions in Focus initiative is not about adding yet another plan to sit on the shelf; this initiative is about active engagement.

The roadshows are another opportunity for the state government to genuinely engage with regional communities, listen to their concerns and aspirations, and consider targeted action that is both practical and responsive. I look forward to undertaking the remaining roadshows over the next month, to listening and learning from local leaders, to continuing our active progress on the priorities that are important to each region, and moving forward in the next week.