House of Assembly: Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Parliamentary Committees

Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2016-17

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. S.W. Key:

That the 109th to 115th reports of the committee, relating to various natural resources management board levy proposals and plans for 2016-17, be noted.

(Continued from 8 June 2016.)

The Hon. S.W. KEY (Ashford) (11:04): I would like to thank members for their contributions and also their interest in this area. It is a very important one to all of us, I know, and I would just like to note that the Natural Resources Committee spent an enormous amount of time, as did the staff, on trying to work through what has been a very, very difficult time this time. We really do commend the members and staff who work for Natural Resources because we know that they have had an equally difficult time trying to deliver on this particular levy round. I commend the report to the house.

Motion carried.