House of Assembly: Thursday, June 09, 2016


UNESCO City of Music

The Hon. S.W. KEY (Ashford) (14:37): My question is directed to the Minister for the Arts. Minister, what events are coming up to promote Adelaide as a UNESCO City of Music?

The SPEAKER: The cultural attaché.

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Health Industries) (14:37): Thank you very much. I know how excited the member for Ashford is, as am I, about coming events in the next few weeks. After a few weeks of post Fringe, Festival and WOMAD rest, Adelaide is about to hit the accelerator again with live music from this weekend through to the end of August.

It all kicks off with our Cabaret Festival, which starts on Friday night. Artistic directors, Ali McGregor and Eddie Perfect, have had some pretty sizeable shoes to fill following on from the success of last year's director, Barry Humphries. It's an exceptional program which will see the Festival Centre come alive with 150 performances over 16 days and nights as we celebrate the eclectic genre where, as the Cole Porter song suggests, Anything Goes.

I do have to put in a plug for a show that I have seen previously, which I think all members of the house would appreciate, and that is Margaret Thatcher Queen of Soho, which poses the question: how did the Iron Lady get lost in the gay bars of Soho and become a cabaret superstar? I recommend all members get along to the show, which will be on from 15 to 17 June.

Following on from the Cabaret Festival, Adelaide will then erupt with the Umbrella Winter City Sounds taking over the city from 15 July until 7 August. Presented by Music SA, Umbrella is a curated festival which will bring together new and exciting live music events to create vibrant winter activation across our CBD.

The Adelaide Festival Centre has this year launched Guitars in Bars and Other Places, which to date has more than 300 registered events over 27 days and nights. Guitars in Bars will see music played across our state, from Willalooka to Port Lincoln, and of course at our usual suburban live music haunts, the Wheaty, the Gov and the Semaphore Workers Club. Guitars in Bars is the Fringe event to this year's Adelaide Festival Centre's Guitar Festival, which will take place from 11 to 14 August. South Australia is very lucky to once again be treated to a program curated by internationally renowned guitarist, Slava Grigoryan, and will celebrate and showcase the world's most popular instrument.

We are fortunate to have the best musicians in the world coming to Adelaide for this festival, including the artistic director of the Seville guitar festival, Francisco (Paco) Bernier, who is performing with Massimo Scattolin and Sergio Ercole in a concert called Memories of Spain. Between the Cabaret Festival, the Umbrella Festival, and the Guitar Festival (featuring Guitars in Bars and Other Places), it is the city, not the Hills, that will be alive to the sound of music. There is something on for everyone, and I encourage all members to get along and support our live music scene.

The SPEAKER: In reference to the member for Morialta's point of order, I have looked into the matter and the order of simians includes humans. The leader.