House of Assembly: Wednesday, June 08, 2016


Natural Resources Committee: Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Region

Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. S.W. Key:

That the 100th report of the committee, entitled Kangaroo Island NRM Region Fact-Finding Visit, 5-7 November 2014, be noted.

(Continued from 18 March 2015.)

Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (16:51): I rise to finalise my comments briefly on the 100th report of the Natural Resources Committee, entitled Kangaroo Island NRM Region Fact-Finding Visit. In closing with a couple of comments, I would like to commend the Natural Resources Committee for what it does in its regional visits, going around the whole state to look at what is going on with natural resources. That is why I found it most interesting that the Premier needed to actually write to the Natural Resources Committee so that they could at least do one regional visit when it is common knowledge that they do regional visits as part of their remit. That is their role and I commend the whole committee for doing that.

I certainly commend the committee for going over to Kangaroo Island and seeing what is happening over there with issues related to land use, weed management and the water management situation, as well as natural resources in all senses. As I said, I would like to commend the committee for their work in going around the state, looking at regions and seeing what is going on. As I indicated earlier today, I do not support the outrageous levy rises, but I do support the good work that this committee does in actually getting out there and having a look at what is going on.

The Hon. S.W. KEY (Ashford) (16:52): Again, this is an older report from our committee. In fact, it refers to a visit that we made in 2014. I would like to acknowledge the most recent comments that have been made by the member for Finniss about some of the issues that Kangaroo Island people suffer from, and also the fact that he has a small natural resources committee in the electorate of Finniss and then a large natural resources committee, and the difficulties he has in trying to make sure that all the issues that come under that banner actually get dealt with.

I think it is really important that we do try to visit the different natural resources regions in their region, as opposed to only hearing from them in Parliament House, so I commend the work that was done on Kangaroo Island on our regional fact-finding visit and ask that this report be noted.

Motion carried.