House of Assembly: Thursday, May 19, 2016


Briggs, Prof. Freda

Ms WORTLEY (Torrens) (15:30): I rise to take the opportunity to recognise the contribution of Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs AO, educator, author, scholar and ambassador. Described by her family as having been propelled onto the world stage through her fierce intellect and determination to change the understanding of protecting children from injustice, Freda Briggs worked towards her vision to provide a safer and more caring world for children.

Professor Briggs worked in child protection as a police officer in London before undertaking studies to become a teacher. On migrating to Australia with her husband, she began developing curriculum at the State College of Victoria. Her journey then brought her to Adelaide, where she rose to the position of Professor of Childhood Development at the University of South Australia. The inaugural Dean of the Institute of Early Childhood and Family Studies at the University of South Australia, Freda established a world-first, multiprofessional course in child protection, assisting universities in the US, Hamburg and Brazil to create similar courses.

Her significant contribution to the development of South Australia's Keeping Safe child protection curriculum, taught in our state's public and Catholic schools and preschools and recognised nationally and internationally, is widely acknowledged. The UniSA website tells us that across her career she worked as a consultant/adviser, teacher/educator and policy development expert in areas as wideranging as providing advice on how foster parents can best support children who have been victims of abuse, right through to advising international governments on the best systems to support early childhood teaching and learning.

She was an expert witness in child abuse trials, advised the Scouts, the Christian Brothers, the Australian Defence Force cadets, and the Anglican and Catholic churches on the development of child protection protocols and guidelines, contributed to Senate inquiries and addressed the Australian parliament.

Freda Briggs was the inaugural recipient of the Australian Humanitarian Award and in 2000 became the first woman to be appointed Senior Australian of the Year for her pioneering work for child protection education and the protection of children. She also received the national Centenary Award, for outstanding services to the nation, and in 2005 became an Officer of the Order of Australia, recognised for 'service to raising community and professional awareness of child abuse and neglect, and as an advocate for effective child safety education programs.' Freda Briggs wrote more than 20 books on child protection and consulted to UNICEF and the World Health Organisation.

Recently, Professor Briggs wrote a submission to a federal Senate inquiry into the harm caused to children by online pornography, recommending that the child protection school curriculum, which South Australia implements, be compulsory across Australia. She was adamant that 'children need to know what constitutes wrong behaviour and to whom it should be reported', and that 'parent education is essential, given that most exposure to pornography and most sexual abuse occurs in the family setting'. University of South Australia Vice Chancellor, Professor David Lloyd, said:

Whether it be in advocating for children and the protection of children or championing the rights of older Australians to continue to work, achieve and be properly valued—Freda was there.

Her career as a researcher and educator and a champion and protector of all children, but especially vulnerable children, has been an inspiration and in many ways she was an international treasure. She was the champion everyone wants on their side–dedicated, intelligent and brave–a force to be reckoned with.

The University of South Australia has established the Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs AO Memorial Fund to honour one of its most influential educators and to continue her legacy by supporting higher degree scholarships for child protection in law, education, or social work. Vale, Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs AO, champion of vulnerable children.