House of Assembly: Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Palliative Care

In reply to Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (8 September 2015).

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Health Industries):

The Statewide Model of Care Framework for SA Health Specialist Palliative Care Services has received endorsement from the Ministerial Clinical Advisory Group which Professor Keefe chairs. It will be publicly available on the SA Health website in coming weeks.

The document outlines the framework for SA Health specialist palliative care service provision within South Australia. It provides health professionals with a consistent, clear guide to accessing support and the anticipated service response for people with a life limiting illness who require Specialist Palliative Care Services.

The Model of Care Framework is in line with SA Health's Palliative Care Services Plan 2009-16 service delineation profiles and reflects current palliative care practice which has significantly shifted from its early days of predominantly managing the terminal phase of an illness.

Palliative care is now introduced much earlier in a person's illness journey to improve quality of life through active symptom management, which is also in alignment with the World Health Organisation's recommendation for palliative care provision.

The shift in practice, which is supported by the Model of Care Framework, was a key consideration for the Palliative Care Services Clinical Working Party members established to support the relocation of Southern Adelaide Palliative Services, and reinforced the decision to move to Flinders Medical Centre which assures access to medical and diagnostics services required for good symptom management.