House of Assembly: Thursday, March 10, 2016


Parliament House Matters

Chamber Photography

The SPEAKER (14:40): Before we come to the supplementary, if indeed we do come to the supplementary—would the member for Unley be seated—the member for Morialta raised a point of order about the Minister for Tourism taking photos of the member for Chaffey and me in conference at the chair. I did, as Speaker, liberalise the rules on taking photographs in the chamber. However, I think members taking photographs of other members without their consent is a bad development.

Mr Marshall: A grievous crime.

The SPEAKER: Well, I wouldn't say that, but it's a deplorable development, and I rely on a ruling of Speaker Snelling.

The Hon. J.J. Snelling: Good Speaker!

The SPEAKER: Self-praise is no praise. The Speaker acknowledged that the practice was disorderly and two members apologised for disorderly behaviour and indicated that they would dispose of the offending photograph, and I suggest that the Minister for Tourism does the same. The member for Reynell.