House of Assembly: Wednesday, March 09, 2016


Child Protection

Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:22): My question is to the Minister for Education and Child Development. Has the minister instructed her chief executive to undertake an audit of Families SA staff to ensure that there are no incompetent employees remaining?

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Chaffey is called to order, as is the Treasurer, and the leader is warned.

The Hon. S.E. CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for Higher Education and Skills) (14:23): The house is no doubt aware that the previous minister and chief executive arranged for Mal Hyde, the former commissioner of police, to undertake an extensive piece of work to look at the people who were working in the residential care facilities within the department. That was completed some time ago and prior to my taking on this role.

Since then, the chief executive has been acting as a diligent leader of the public sector and working with Families SA, not only on processes and procedures but also on recruitment, in order to make sure that we have best maximised the number of people working on child protection matters.