House of Assembly: Thursday, December 10, 2015


Economic Plan

Mr PICTON (Kaurna) (15:07): My question is to the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries and also the Minister for Tourism. Can you update the house on the progress made against the economic priorities in your portfolio?

The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL (Mawson—Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Minister for Forests, Minister for Tourism, Minister for Recreation and Sport, Minister for Racing) (15:08): I thank the member for Kaurna for the question. Two very important top five economic priorities fall under my responsibility. One, of course, is premium food and wine from our clean environment exported to the world, and the other one is to make South Australia a destination of choice for travellers. I am happy to report that, in the all-important area of jobs, we have seen in the tourism sector an increase of 1,000 jobs across South Australia in the past 12 months, so we have taken it from 31,000 up to 32,000 people employed in that area.

In the area of agribusiness, which is worth more than $17.6 billion to the state, we have increased jobs by 1,200, which is terrific news for South Australia as we transition our economy. What we need to remember is that one in five working South Australians are actually employed in the agribusiness sectors, so that goes right across agriculture, food, fisheries and forests. We are out there all the time working hard with industry and individuals to make sure we can deliver as many jobs as we possibly can.

It was terrific last Friday to firstly go to Murray Bridge, where I was with the member for Hammond, who has done a terrific job following the closure of the UDP dairy processing factories at both Murray Bridge and Jervois. He and I have been in constant contact over the past 18 months or two years on that factor. It was terrific to go there last week and meet with some of the staff as that plant was reopened by the Beston group, which is doing terrific work in exporting South Australian premium produce, whether it is seafood, dairy products or, indeed, meat and health foods, into many markets throughout China and South-East Asia. I congratulate everyone who is involved in the Beston group, particularly those staff who have been re-employed. There are 35 people who have come back to work and their Christmas is looking a whole lot better than the earlier part of the year.

I met a worker who had worked for the Murray Bridge factory there for 45 years. He had been out of work for a few months and, to see him back on the tools making cheese, which is what he has done his entire life, was just terrific. He was very pleased with the Beston group's injection of funds and investment in a very important part of the state. The interesting thing was that he, when he finished his shift, was going to hand over to his daughter, who also works there.

In the tourism sector we have had a number of big wins this year. We have seen record numbers of international and national visitors coming into South Australia, and also record revenues from a very important sector. I had a meeting this morning with Qatar Airways and they are going to begin direct flights into South Australia from 2 May next year. It will be the only destination in Australia that will have the A350 plane coming in so, as well as having lots of people coming from around the world into South Australia, I am sure we are going to have a lot of plane spotters coming here from other states.

Mr GARDNER: Point of order: the minister is not directly relating his comments to the economic targets, as suggested, so under 98 he should be sat down.

The SPEAKER: A quick answer is a good answer, minister.

The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL: Thank you very much, Mr Speaker. It is obvious that those opposite do not like good news, and this is very good news. There are two economic priorities for South Australia—tourism and agriculture, food, fisheries and forests—and I get up every day and work out what we can do to make this place better—how can we create more jobs, how can we bring more money into South Australia—and this is exactly what we are doing. Those opposite just want to talk South Australia down. They will go to the Christmas break continuing to do that. I look forward to seeing everyone again next year as we continue to build agriculture and tourism.

Mr GARDNER: Point of order, sir. The minister is now reflecting on the opposition, and it is inappropriate.

The SPEAKER: I uphold the point of order.