Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Adjournment Debate
Answers to Questions
Gillman Land Sale
Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:29): Supplementary to the Minister for Police: why did it take the government, in particular the Minister for Police, six weeks from the time of his approval of the Gillman rezoning to have it gazetted?
The Hon. J.R. RAU (Enfield—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Justice Reform, Minister for Planning, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Child Protection Reform) (14:29): As I said before, it is not—
Mr Knoll interjecting:
The SPEAKER: The member for Schubert is warned.
The Hon. J.R. RAU: You should get a blue one with dots instead of a stripy one.
The SPEAKER: The Deputy Premier is called to order.
The Hon. J.R. RAU: Sorry. Anyway, as I said before, there is nothing unorthodox about anything to do with the process. The minister was entitled to take whatever period of time it took and, just so people understand, there are numerous steps in relation to this matter. Not only does the minister have to become satisfied in himself that this is appropriate, then, if I am not mistaken, in this case, there is a process by which there has to be a gazetting and that takes some time in organising it.
Ms Chapman: Six weeks?
The SPEAKER: The deputy leader is warned for the second and final time.
The Hon. J.R. RAU: So I don't think there is anything exceptional about this and, as far as I am concerned, the interest in this matter now moves to ACP to see how they get on with making their various applications.