Personal Explanation
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (14:30): Supplementary to the minister: in all of the conversations the minister has had with Arrium on this topic has Arrium ever confirmed for him, or the Premier, or anybody in the government, that neither the mine nor the steelworks at Whyalla will be divested?
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Treasurer, Minister for Finance, Minister for State Development, Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, Minister for Small Business) (14:31): First and foremost, the Whyalla steelworks is completely integrated into the company and a key asset for Arrium. The idea that somehow Arrium would sell the steelworks really defeats their entire business model. I know the opposition has been briefed by Arrium. I know the opposition has had meetings with Arrium and know about their strategic review. These questions do nothing for the confidence of the people of Whyalla and, quite frankly, I think the opposition spokesperson knows better than that. In terms of the mine—
Mr GARDNER: Point of order, sir.
The SPEAKER: The minister will not debate the answer.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: In terms of the mine, Arrium came to us and was seeking approvals to get access to some very high grade ore very close to the surface. We were able, very quickly, to get them the approvals that they needed. They are, I think, committed to the mine. I have heard nothing, any public evidence at all, that shows that Arrium are looking to divest themselves of that mine, but they are entitled to do what they want with their assets and we are entitled to do what we want with our support and we stand by Arrium and we stand by the people of Whyalla. I think the people of Whyalla are sick and tired of Liberal politicians always talking about them being destroyed. They are a resilient city and they will survive.
Mr GARDNER: Point of order: for the second time in two questions he's defying your ruling, sir.
The SPEAKER: I'm not sure that he's defying my ruling, but I uphold the point of order about debate. Leader.