House of Assembly: Tuesday, June 02, 2015


State Emergency Relief Fund

The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland) (15:12): My question is to the Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion. Minister, how are donations to the State Emergency Relief Fund assisting the members of our community affected by the Sampson Flat bushfires?

The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON (Ramsay—Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers) (15:13): I thank the member for Newland for his question. The State Emergency Relief Fund Committee has been working to administer and distribute moneys donated by the community to assist people who suffered significant loss or damage as a result of the Sampson Flat bushfire. I can advise the house that, on 25 May, more than $1.87 million has been deposited into the SERF from approximately 3,171 donations. In addition to that figure, all of the interest accrued will also be utilised to assist those affected by the bushfire. To date, we have received around 390 applications and we have received, on an average rate, about six per week. Applications will close on 30 June, and the SERF itself closed on 31 May.

The information provided in the applications must be verified through a stringent checking process, and a set of eligibility criteria has been developed by the committee under three categories to ensure that the donations are distributed in a fair and equitable manner:

Category 1 adults and children whose principal place of residence was destroyed receive $4,000 per adult and $1,000 per child.

Category 2 owners of property within the fire footprint and residents who experienced partial damage to their house and/or property receive $2,500 per household.

Category 3 households who derive their principal income from the affected property receive $4,000.

The SERF Committee, an independent committee, has established a planned approach for the distribution of donated funds while taking into consideration further applications that may be received.

I am advised that in March $202,000 was distributed by the SERF Committee to Payment Group 1, then in April $184,500 was distributed to Payment Group 2 and in May $277,500 was distributed to Payment Group 3, followed by $120,000 to Payment Group 4 and $289,000 to Payment Group 5. It is anticipated that in early June $192,500 will be distributed to Payment Group 6.

Mr Speaker, over the next couple of months a second payment will be made to category 1 applicants totalling $66,000, whilst a second payment to category 2 and 3 applicants totalling $400,000 will also be made. Additionally, an allocation of $50,000 for community projects designed to support the recovery of those affected by the bushfire will also be disbursed.

I commend the important work undertaken by the SERF Committee to ensure that very generous donations made by the South Australian community and the corporate sector to assess those affected by the Sampson Flat bushfires are distributed in a fair and equitable manner.