House of Assembly: Tuesday, February 24, 2015



Mr WINGARD (Mitchell) (15:17): My next question is also to the Minister for Transport. Given that on 4 December the minister said he didn't know about the legal action pending between the department and Coleman Rail, based on a report done by engineering company GHD which outlined more than 1,000 defects on the tram electrification from Victoria Square to the Morphett Street Bridge, has the minister since been briefed and/or read that report, and what is the government going to do about the defects?

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister Assisting the Minister for Planning, Minister Assisting the Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (15:18): As I think I reported to the parliament at the time, I was particularly surprised to learn of this issue and, indeed, when the member for Mitchell raised this matter immediately subsequently with my predecessor, now Treasurer, who was then the minister for transport, I think he was surprised. I was very disappointed to learn that, according to a record search, neither I nor my predecessor, now Treasurer, had been briefed about this matter. Believe me, Mr Speaker, I have made it clear in no uncertain terms that I expect these matters to be brought to my attention.

What I have learnt is that this was the matter which not just the member for Mitchell has referred to but has been subject to a court action. These papers, my understanding, as I am advised, have been lodged with the court and have been available. My understanding is that the discussions between the department and Coleman Rail, which is the company at the heart of this dispute, have been continuing. My current advice is that some pleasing progress has been made whereby Coleman Rail has been more willing than they have indicated previously to undertake some rectification works.