Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
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Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
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Adjournment Debate
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Early Childhood Education
The Hon. S.W. KEY (Ashford) (14:32): My question is directed to the Minister for Education and Child Development. Minister, can you update the house on the status of the national partnership to deliver 15 hours a week of preschool in 2015?
The Hon. J.M. RANKINE (Wright—Minister for Education and Child Development) (14:32): We spoke about this issue during the last sitting week of parliament. Unfortunately, the uncertainty surrounding the ongoing Universal Access to Early Childhood Education program continues and is taking its toll on parents, preschools and staff. Access to preschool is an important part of a child's early years, which is why I have been lobbying to get answers from the Abbott government on the future of the program.
For the most part, the response I have received has been, 'You won't know until 2015 what we intend to do'—that is the federal government. There was no certainty in the federal budget and, after months of lobbying by the state and territory ministers, the Abbott government announced on 5 September that the national partnership would be extended for a further 12 months.
The penny had dropped. They clearly wanted to get Victoria over their election. They were most unhappy—that is, Victoria—at the prospect of losing 1,500 people in their system. But as is so often the case with the Abbott government, the devil is in the detail. The formal offer was finally received nearly two months after this press release. It was clear that funding had changed and that the terms and conditions had changed. In short, it wasn't the same deal.
So, when minister Ley committed to roll over the existing national partnership during a radio interview two weeks ago, I was surprised to say the least but happy to have the same money under the same conditions. As she said, SA had met all of its requirements in the previous year. I wrote to minister Ley on Friday 7 November to hold her to her word that the existing agreement will be rolled over, but a week and a half later I am still waiting to receive any form of confirmation from minister Ley.
I understand that the other states and territories are following our lead and seeking answers from the minister, but we now seem to be getting the silent treatment. I hope that minister Ley will stand by her public commitments and that we will have an answer for South Australian parents, preschools and staff sooner rather than later.
The SPEAKER: The deputy leader asks if her slate is wiped clean. Yes, it is. Member for Morphett.