House of Assembly: Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Domiciliary Care

88 Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (12 August 2014).

1. How many people are currently waiting for domiciliary equipment?

2. What is the average waiting time for domiciliary equipment services?

3. How many clients who receive domiciliary equipment services are disability clients?

4. Why has funding for domiciliary equipment services decreased by $583,000 from $1.686 million in 2012-13 to $1.566 million in 2014-15?

The Hon. A. PICCOLO (Light—Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety): I have been advised:

1. During 2013-14, once a person has been assessed, the equipment program has operated without waiting lists for the supply of equipment and home modification services. Where clients are assessed by the clinical service and their needs have been prescribed, that item or home modification has been supplied.

2. During 2013-14, the average, overall supply times for equipment supplied during 2013-14, (once a prescription was received at the Domiciliary Equipment Service ) were 6 days for stock items, 76 days for customised items, and customised wheelchairs (the most complex items) averaging 140 days. It should be noted that this does not take into account the time people may have waited initially to have a need assessed.

3. As at 30 June 2014, the Domiciliary Equipment Service was providing services to 4,596 adults with a disability and 1,449 children (including 220 participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme).

4. The funding for domiciliary equipment services on page 95 of the 2014-15 Budget Paper 4, Vol. 1 only reflects the annual program for capital equipment costing over $10,000. The operating budget for domiciliary equipment services is on page 105 which includes equipment under $10,000 along with all other items. The reduction of the funding for domiciliary equipment services, on page 95 of the 2014-15 Budget Paper 4, Vol. 1, from the 2012-13 Actual of $1.687 million to the 2014-15 Budget of $1.104 million reflects the expenditure of one-off funding received in 2012-13.