House of Assembly: Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Housing SA Waiting List

In reply to Ms SANDERSON (Adelaide) (23 July 2014). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON (Ramsay—Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers): I have been advised:

The total number of people on Housing SA's public and Aboriginal housing waiting list as at 30 June 2014 was 21,227. Of these, 3,563 were aged 25 years and under. The number of applicants in each category is as follows:

Category 1: 3,069 (653 aged 25 and under);

Category 2: 6,026 (495 aged 25 and under);

Category 3: 12,047 (2,381 aged 25 and under);

Low Demand: 33 (three aged 25 and under); and

Pending (awaiting category outcome): 52 (31 aged 25 and under).

The total number of people housed in 2013-14 was 2,255. Of these, 490 were aged 25 years and under. The number of applicants housed from each category is as follows:

Category 1: 1,956 (471 aged 25 and under);

Category 2: 197 (12 aged 25 and under);

Category 3: 101 (six aged 25 and under);

Low Demand: 0 (0 aged 25 and under); and

Unknown: 1 (one aged 25 and under).

The total number of people on Housing SA's public and Aboriginal housing waiting list as at June 2013 was 21,298. Of these, 3,730 were aged 25 years and under. The number of applicants in each category is as follows:

Category 1: 2,424 (563 aged 25 and under);

Category 2: 6,341 (562 aged 25 and under);

Category 3: 12,446 (2,577 aged 25 and under);

Low Demand: 41 (two aged 25 and under); and

Pending (awaiting category outcome): 46 (26 aged 25 and under).

The total number of people housed in 2012-13 was 2,645. Of these, 567 were aged 25 years and under. The number of applicants housed from each category is as follows:

Category 1: 2,270 (543 aged 25 and under);

Category 2: 235 (16 aged 25 and under);

Category 3: 137 (eight aged 25 and under);

Low Demand: 1 (nil aged 25 and under); and

Unknown: 2 (nil aged 25 and under).

Waiting list and allocation data for 2014-15 is not available as the financial year has just commenced.