House of Assembly: Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Emergency Services Levy

Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:24): Given the fact that the Treasurer has just said that the increases in the emergency services levy have been put in place to fund an offset for federal government cuts to health and education, how can he be doing a deal in another place to actually reduce that emergency services levy money coming into the state? What health and education cuts was the government prepared to accept in order to get his car park tax through the upper house?

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier) (14:24): The Treasurer, in discharging his functions, in advocating for his budget, in going out into the public, in speaking to crossbenchers and seeking to get agreement for all of the measures in his budget, is doing his duty. He is doing his duty to this government and to the government's agenda. I note that there is a little bit of a flavour sort of floating around the place that the Treasurer might have hurt some feelings in doing that, that by his powerful advocacy for our budget and our program of positive plans for South Australia's future he might have hurt some feelings.

I actually understand why the Leader of the Opposition would not recognise that, because he doesn't have strong feelings about anything, because he doesn't believe anything. We believe in the program that we have put forward.

The SPEAKER: Point of order, member for Morialta.

Mr GARDNER: We are a long way from the reservation: 98.

Mr Pisoni interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Unley is warned for the second and final time. I will listen carefully to what the Premier has to say. The Premier is finished? The member for Napier.