House of Assembly: Thursday, August 07, 2014



Statutory Officers Committee

The Legislative Council informs the House of Assembly that it has passed the resolution transmitted herewith, and desires the consideration of the House of Assembly thereto. The resolution referred to is that:

1. That this council

(a) Notes message No. 9 from the House of Assembly of 6 May 2014 advising of the appointments to the Statutory Officers Committee of the Hon. M.J. Atkinson, Hon. J.R. Rau and Mr Wingard;

(b) Notes section 21(2)(e) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991 which states 'A person ceases to be a member of the committee if the person…becomes a Minister of the Crown'; and

(c) Invites the House of Assembly to reconsider the appointment of the Hon. J.R. Rau, Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Justice Reform, Minister for Planning, Minister for Housing and Urban Development and Minister for Industrial Relations.

2. That a message be forwarded to the House of Assembly conveying this resolution.