House of Assembly: Tuesday, August 05, 2014


Ministerial Statement

Child Protection

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE (Wright—Minister for Education and Child Development) (14:22): I seek leave to make a ministerial statement.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE: Today marks two weeks since SAPOL broke the news that a man had been arrested and charged with alleged sex offences against seven children in state care. We have said since day one there are limits to the information that can be provided publicly; that is because there is an ongoing investigation and prosecution that must be protected. A suppression order has been put in place by the courts and it is vital that nothing is said publicly that could compromise the case.

Since the initial details of the case of the Families SA worker's arrest were made public, I have directed my department to commence a number of actions to further safeguard children in care and provide reassurance to the community about our workforce. We are increasing mobile night officers randomly checking residential units each night. The recruitment of new residential care staff is being fast-tracked, with a focus on early childhood qualifications.

I can today announce that former South Australian police commissioner Mal Hyde has been appointed to oversee the employment processes and records of residential care staff. We have engaged a firm of experienced forensic psychologists to conduct these reviews to assist with this process. The task force which has been established to oversee this case has advised me that all parents and carers of the alleged victims have been informed, aside from one biological father whose whereabouts remain unknown.

The hotline we have established remains open. To date, I am advised a little over 100 calls have been made to that hotline. A letter has been sent to the school community where the arrested individual previously worked as an out-of-school-hours care (OSHC) worker. For those families who have left the school and—

Mr GARDNER: Point of order, sir: can we have a copy distributed, as is the usual practice, please?

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE: Sorry, I think they have just arrived. For those families who have left the school and their whereabouts unknown, Department for Education and Child Development is checking the electoral roll to obtain a current address and have a letter sent. I understand they are sending those letters by registered mail to ensure that they are received.

Social workers have regularly attended the school since Tuesday 22 July and will continue to do so as required. I am also advised that two positions within the department will be advertised this coming Saturday. These are: the Deputy Chief Executive Child Safety and the Executive Director Families SA Operations.

At this stage, my priority remains ensuring all the families identified have the support they need at this time. I have asked that individual support plans are established for each family, and I am advised that regular contact has been maintained with each family since they were notified of the alleged offending. The individual support plans will ensure emotional, medical, education and financial support available for each child. That support will be ongoing.

I would like to also acknowledge the commitment of the child protection workforce at this time. The Premier and I have met with a number of staff, and I want to recognise that our child protection system is full of hardworking dedicated men and women who work tirelessly to protect our community's most vulnerable children. Their work is mostly thankless. It is incredibly difficult work, and I would like to take a moment to thank our staff at the front line, who must be feeling very betrayed right now at the alleged offending that has taken place.

Our commitment to children and young people is unwavering. The assurance I can give the South Australian public is this: this government's number one focus is the protection of children, and we will be getting on with supporting these families and children and doing everything we can as quickly as we can to strengthen our system.