House of Assembly: Thursday, June 19, 2014


Millswood Railway Station

Mr WINGARD (Mitchell) (14:41): I can't stop laughing, sir. When will this work start, so that it is safe and disability friendly at the Millswood station?

The SPEAKER: Minister for Transport.

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister Assisting the Minister for Planning, Minister Assisting the Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (14:41): It's not just a matter of it being disability friendly: it's a matter of it being suitable for all patrons of public transport to use. I am advised that the current platform is some 38 centimetres, which is 15 inches, I understand, lower than where it should be for a train to be servicing that station. I am advised that departmental officers, or indeed officers who may have been engaged by the department, have been out there undertaking early works to determine how best to raise the platform. These works that are necessary to enable us to return services to the Millswood station to be undertaken.

At the same time, we are also working on developing a timetable which will provide not just stopping at the Millswood train station but also some other benefits to users of the Belair rail line. We will do that as expeditiously as possible, but we certainly won't be hurrying the process and risking the safety of people who may want to use these services. This project will be delivered. That's our commitment. We will deliver our commitment, just as we will continue improving public transport services throughout metropolitan Adelaide, because nobody else in this chamber, particularly over that side, seems to be interested in doing the same.

The SPEAKER: Before we come to the member for Mitchell's second supplementary, I warn the member for Unley for the first and for the second time, and I call to order the members for Hartley, Mount Gambier, Morphett and Stuart. Member for Mitchell.