Personal Explanation
Personal Explanation
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Marine Parks
Mr TRELOAR (Flinders) (15:06): A supplementary question. My supplementary question is to the Minister for Regional Development. Has the minister received a briefing about the economic impact on the communities adjacent to marine parks—10 and 14 or any marine park, for that matter?
The Hon. G.G. BROCK (Frome—Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Local Government) (15:06): I am happy to give an answer to the question as the Minister for Regional Development and also a member of the inner cabinet. I have received from the Mayor of Ceduna a very large folder. It has some issues in it. I am halfway through that and having a look at it, so to answer the member's question I have that, but bear in mind that marine parks are not my portfolio. I have indicated to people on my trips around the whole state that it has come to my attention there may be some economic degrading of the opportunities in the sanctuary zones.
I have indicated that if those people can give me some substantial accusations or information that economic opportunities or growth are being affected, then I will consider that and then talk to the relevant minister. However, on my journeys around the area, while most people are very in favour of marine parks as such, there have been some who are saying that the location and the size of them may not be relevant. I have the information from the Mayor, Alan Suter, and I am a little way through that. If the member can bear with me, I will go through that and get back.
The SPEAKER: The member for Schubert is warned a first time. The member for Goyder.