House of Assembly: Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Colton Electorate

The Hon. P. CAICA (Colton) (15:40): I was going to complete my previous grievance on the approach that is becoming symptomatic of the opposition with respect to the most recent election in blaming everyone else for the circumstances they find themselves in today instead of just looking in the mirror. However, I will save that for another day and instead talk about some of the organisations within my electorate, those organisations that have supported me throughout the last 12 years and, in particular, in the lead-up to the last election.

Mr Picton interjecting:

The Hon. P. CAICA: A good supporter base. They are outstanding organisations and we have seen some tremendous things occur, such as the rebuilding of the Henley Surf Lifesaving Club, which was long overdue but looks fantastic with a million-dollar view, and they are doing extremely well. In fact, the membership has picked up significantly since the construction was completed. We have also seen a lot of young people come into the lifesaving club, indeed people from culturally diverse backgrounds, which is a good thing. There is no reason whatsoever why anyone here in Australia, given the fact that 90 per cent of our population live along the coastal strip, should not be aware of water safety. The lifesaving clubs do an amazing job in making sure they not only protect lives along the beach but also instil that knowledge into others in our community.

Mr Picton: Now we are increasing the funding.

The Hon. P. CAICA: As my friend the newly elected member for Kaurna says, we are increasing the level of funding. I look forward to the Grange Surf Lifesaving Club and the West Beach Surf Lifesaving Club, which is just outside my electorate, accessing that funding to redevelop their facilities that are long overdue.

Mr Picton: And Southport and Aldinga.

The Hon. P. CAICA: And I will look forward to Southport and Aldinga, in fact all surf lifesaving clubs across the state, accessing that funding that is only going to go to helping the role they play—that very important role that surf lifesaving volunteers play in South Australia.

I also want to talk about the Grange Cricket Club. Importantly, and very satisfyingly if that is the right word, the Grange Cricket Club won two premierships in their A and B grades this year, back-to-back premierships in the premier grade, which is an outstanding effort. Normally they do not win a game until Christmas time. This year they won a few games which put them in a good position, not only to compete in the finals but to compete as successfully as they did in the finals—another community based sporting organisation has a fantastic youth program as well, and they are outstanding contributors within the great seat of Colton.

I would also just say that one of the outstanding gold life members of the Grange Cricket club, Mr Barry Fry, is not very well at the moment. He is in hospital. On behalf of all those in my electorate who know Barry and the work he has done, I pass on my best wishes for a speedy recovery for this outstanding contributor within the Colton electorate. To the Henley football club—I get accused of being biased but it is easy to be so when you really only have one football club in your electorate, so there are not those competing interests—

The Hon. S.W. Key: Lucky.

The Hon. P. CAICA: I am. It is an outstanding football club. Of course, we have Lockleys just on the outside and SMOSH West Lakes, which is another outstanding club but not based in my electorate. I think it is in the member for Lee's electorate. It is a very good club as well. I hope one day that SMOSH West Lakes and Lockleys work their way up to the premier league (division 1) to one day be a competitor against the mighty Henley Sharks. We started off the season pretty poorly, and it is not through a lack of trying that we have not won as many games as we would like. I think we sit with three and three just outside the four, and I expect that by the end of the season we will be competing in the finals, as we have for so many years previously.

The other thing I want to focus on is that we have very good social organisations within our electorates that do not often have the same profile as cricket and football. I refer to netball clubs, calisthenics clubs, because we have some very good calisthenics clubs in our area, kindergyms and Gym West.

It is very important that as a government and as a community we provide that level of support to those organisations that do not have the same level of profile as some of the high profile sports because it is all about engaging young people, making sure they are active in recreation and sport and, through that, getting a greater understanding of the health, welfare and wellbeing of being involved in organised sport. I congratulate all those organisations within my electorate that play that very significant role in nurturing our young people and ensuring that they become better people through their participation in those sports.

Time expired.