House of Assembly: Thursday, May 08, 2014


Child Protection

Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:36): My question again is to the Minister for Education and Child Development. What specific changes has Families SA made either at the time of death of Chloe Valentine or since which have addressed any systemic practices arising from that case?

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE (Wright—Minister for Education and Child Development) (14:36): The death of that little girl was no doubt a real tragedy, and it really struck everybody, I think, in South Australia. Reasonable, responsible people were absolutely horrified by the death of that little girl. What I can say is that from the time that child was born there were intense supports put around that family. Justice Kelly in fact said in her sentencing remarks that the mother did have an enormous amount of support both from family and from various government and non-government agencies.

What we know is that the last visit to that home showed that mother and child were doing well, as I understand it, and that the house—which is a good indicator—was in a good state of repair and cleanliness. She was clean. She was happy. Mum and the child interacted well. There were no reports from that time until the little girl's death as a result of falling from that motorcycle in the backyard. That is a real tragedy. Let's be really clear: the people who are responsible for the death of that child are now in gaol.

The SPEAKER: Supplementary.