House of Assembly: Tuesday, November 12, 2013



In reply to Mr GRIFFITHS (Goyder) (5 July 2011) (Estimate Committee B).

The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL (Mawson—Minister for Tourism, Minister for Recreation and Sport): This project was an initiative of the Physical Activity Branch within the Office for Recreation and Sport (ORS). It involved a partnership between the ORS and the Community and Neighbourhood House Association (CANH) to establish be active branded physical activity projects at participating centres and houses.

CANH is the peak body for 90 community centres and neighbourhood houses in South Australia.

First negotiated in 2007, the project enabled CAHN to provide small amounts of seed funding to local houses for physical activity projects across its network in metropolitan and regional areas.

Seed funding was provided for three years, ceasing in 2010-11. ORS funding priority is to fund sport and recreation organisations rather than CAHN activities. However eligible projects can still be considered under ORS funding programs.

The funding has not been redirected, as it was used to meet savings targets for the ORS.