House of Assembly: Thursday, October 31, 2013



Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (14:35): Minister, why were the six Riverland towns denied free wi-fi funding?

The Hon. G. PORTOLESI (Hartley—Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy) (14:35): I am very happy to sit down with the member for Chaffey to talk about the wi-fi situation in the Riverland. What I was speaking about earlier is this fantastic initiative that is occurring in the city—the first in the nation. I don't know if the member has corresponded with me in relation—have you corresponded with me in relation to this matter?

Members interjecting:

The Hon. G. PORTOLESI: He hasn't. But anyway, the point is that there is room for wi-fi in the Riverland, there is room for wi-fi in Adelaide. I am happy to work with the member for Chaffey to address his issues in the Riverland.

The SPEAKER: Before a second supplementary is asked, I warn the Minister for Transport for the second and final time. I also call to order the member for Goyder. Member for Chaffey.