House of Assembly: Thursday, July 25, 2013



Mrs GERAGHTY (Torrens) (15:02): My question is to the Minister for Housing and Urban Development. Can the minister advise the house on how many training and employment opportunities Renewal SA has created for South Australians as part of its urban renewal and development work across the state during this financial year?

The Hon. A. Koutsantonis interjecting:

The SPEAKER: I haven't called you yet. Minister for Transport.

The Hon. I.F. EVANS: Point of order, Mr Speaker: The question is out of order, because we are only three weeks in, so, unfortunately, the question is out of order.

The SPEAKER: Surely it is possible that some of these have been created in the first three weeks.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (15:02): Renewal SA is committed to supporting the government's strategic priorities, one of which is developing safe communities and healthy neighbourhoods. A critical part of the government's urban renewal and development work is ensuring it gives back to communities and contributes to their prosperity when renewing and developing areas of our state.

Renewal SA runs a highly successful training and employment program in two of its major projects and is looking to expand this work in 2013-14. During 2012-13, for perspective, Renewal SA created 226 accredited training places through 12 different programs, 188 accredited training places in nine programs at the Playford Alive Urban Renewal Project in northern Adelaide, and 38 accredited training places in three programs at Bowden.

These training places are specifically targeted at those industry sectors in South Australia with predicted growth. These include civil construction, general construction, electrotechnology, horticulture, and community services such as aged care, home and community care, and disability services. Renewal SA also delivers jobs and work experience for the local community. During 2013 it provided the following outcomes: 92 people were placed into gainful employment in two project sites in the last financial year and a further 201 people were placed into work experience—147 at Playford and 54 at Bowden.

The SPEAKER: Are you sure this is in the scope of the question?

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Yes, sir. In terms of its perspective, let me be clear about this and clear up any ambiguity. These positions are in addition to those created for contractors to undertake the development work. Renewal SA insists on these extra opportunities being created for locals during contract negotiations. I am advised that contractors are happy to oblige because workers are sourced locally and Renewal SA, through its connections with local agencies, ensures that they are work-ready.

This is a fantastic opportunity for the communities of Playford and Bowden, sir, which I understand is in your electorate. This work is soon to be expanded to Tonsley and other Renewal SA projects in South Australia. They offer wonderful opportunities for worksites, with photo shoots much like that which the Leader of the Opposition was at yesterday, trying to appeal to a certain demographic which obviously none of us appeal to.