House of Assembly: Thursday, June 06, 2013



Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:05): Supplementary, sir?

The SPEAKER: Yes, supplementary. I am intensely interested!

Ms CHAPMAN: I am sure you are.

The SPEAKER: You can have as many supps as you like on this.

Ms CHAPMAN: My supplementary is to the same minister: does the government plan then intend to build an underpass under its new intersection at a later date?

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (14:06): I think that the question is probably hypothetical. I think what she is asking is: are you going to upgrade the intersection of Hawker Street and South Road and is there a plan for an underpass at the intersection in the future? So, therefore, if you upgrade the intersection now and then dig an underpass later, are you going to dig it up and therefore waste taxpayers' money? I think that is what she is trying to get at.

The reality is that we are doing a very complicated piece of engineering work. The Grange Road/Port Road/Outer Harbor lines need to be grade separated to allow the free flow of traffic. We need to ensure that, as the ramp comes up heading towards Hawker Street, traffic can flow easily into the suburbs in a safe way and not push the problem a bit further north. So, the intersection will be upgraded appropriately.

There are a number of plans for other parts of South Road. That work is continuing. When that work is finalised and the government makes a decision about whether or not it should proceed and what sections should proceed next, we will make it available to the public.

The SPEAKER: Supplementary?

Ms CHAPMAN: No, sir. I was hoping to have another question as you were looking toward me.

The SPEAKER: If you are not going to ask about Hawker Street—member for Florey.