House of Assembly: Tuesday, April 30, 2013



Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:18): Is your glance to me saying that I have—

The SPEAKER: Yes it is.

Ms CHAPMAN: Thank you, sir. My question is to the Minister for Transport Services. Will any of the $2 million announced by you last week for the Adelaide bus services go to the private operator Transfield?

The Hon. C.C. FOX (Bright—Minister for Transport Services, Minister Assisting the Minister for the Arts) (15:18): The $2 million is, as the member knows, a payment which is made to Torrens because it is part of the schedule of their fees. This is the price that they ask for to provide this particular service. In relation to any government payments to Transfield, obviously contracts have to be moved slightly and we are aware of that. The member is aware of that and I will bring the details back to the house this very day.