House of Assembly: Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Parliamentary Procedure


The following papers were laid on the table:

By the Attorney-General (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

Claims Against the Legal Practitioners Guarantee Fund—Annual Report 2010-11

Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Act 2007—Report on Annual Compliance February 2012 to January 2013

Rules made under the following Acts—

District Court—

Civil—Amendment No 22

Criminal—Amendment No 1

Magistrates—Civil—Amendment No 44

Supreme Court—

Civil—Amendment No 21

Listening and Surveillance Devices Rules—Amendment No. 1

By the Minister for Planning (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—


Private Certification

Schedule 8—Referrals and Concurrences

By the Minister for Industrial Relations (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

Rules made under the following Acts—

Fair Work—Industrial Proceedings Rules—Training Contract Disputes

By the Minister for Business Services and Consumers (Hon. J.R. Rau)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Liquor Licensing—General—Small Venue Licences

By the Minister for Manufacturing, Innovation and Trade (Hon. T.R. Kenyon)—

Regulations made under the following Acts—

Primary Industry Funding Schemes—Pig Industry Fund—Exchange of Information

By the Minister for Tourism (Hon. L.W.K. Bignell)—

Water Industry Act 2012—Plumbing Standard by the Technical Regulator