House of Assembly: Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Mr PEGLER (Mount Gambier) (15:09): My question is to the Minister for Health and Ageing. Can the minister update the house on his recent trip to the South-East and, in particular, on the plans to redevelop the Mount Gambier hospital?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health and Ageing, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Minister for Defence Industries, Minister for Veterans' Affairs) (15:10): Last week, I had the honour to open stage 1 of the N.F. McDonnell & Sons $12 million sawmill redevelopment. They hope to increase annual log output, from 33,000 cubic metres in 2010 to 150,000 cubic metres by 2015, and increase employment, from 41 to 96.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: I hear the member for Finniss calling out, 'So what?' Well, I actually think it is very important to the people of the South-East that the forestry industry in the South-East is thriving.

Mr PENGILLY: Point of order.

The SPEAKER: Minister for Health, be seated.

Mr PENGILLY: Just for the record, I said no such thing.

The SPEAKER: It would be better to seek leave to make a personal explanation and perhaps that at the end of question time. Minister for Health.

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: If I misheard the member for Finniss, I apologise to him, but perhaps he shouldn't interject during the answers.

The SPEAKER: That would be asking a lot.

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: That may be asking too much, sir. A great family business for nearly 70 years, N.F. McDonnell & Sons has not only survived but prospered. During my trip to the South-East, I also travelled to Mount Gambier and Millicent to meet with doctors, nurses and hospital staff. I am pleased to update the house that construction on the $26.7 million redevelopment of the Mount Gambier hospital is set to begin next month. It was the second time in two months that I've been to the beautiful South-East and, once again, saw first-hand the benefits of Labor's investment in country hospitals in this important region.

The redevelopment of the Mount Gambier hospital—the state's largest country hospital—will provide increased acute-care capacity, including expanded mental health, palliative care, rehabilitation and general medical services. The emergency department will be expanded by 12 additional spaces to accommodate more people and improve patient flow. Improvements will include more consulting rooms and an expansion of dental services. The redevelopment will also bring benefits to the local community, not only by improving health services but also to the local economy, with more than 100 workers expected to work on the redevelopment during construction.

It's a fantastic project and one of many Labor investments in country health that I look forward to seeing as I visit our state's towns and regions. I would also like to thank the hospital staff, doctors and nurses of the Mount Gambier and Millicent hospitals for their hard work and their dedication. I always appreciate the opportunity to hear from our front-line hospital staff about their important work in our state's hospitals.